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  • lizcoffeycc


Updated: Aug 3, 2022

We crossed into Montana on Tuesday, July 12, just two short weeks ago.

Our first stop was Glendive, and obviously, the first thing we went to see was Glendisaurus, the triceratops statue. I'm really amazed at our obsession with large, concrete, statues that are easily accessed by highways. They make for excellent photo ops while riding your bike across the country.

We were also lucky enough to take photos in front of the Welcome to Glendive dinosaur, the Sinclair gas station dinosaur (green brontosaurus?), and the other brontosaurus when we made it to the Cenex station in Circle, Montana.

Montana surprisingly has lots of dinosaur fossils as it used to be underwater millions of years ago -- who knew!

This week has been wicked hot. We've been waking up at the crack of dawn to get some solid mileage in before it gets too hot. Luckily it's a pretty dry heat, but when it tops 100 degrees, that doesn't make a huge difference.

We visited the Great Plains Dinosaur Museum in Malta.

We also went on the Havre Underground tour. Most of the buildings in the city burnt down in the late 1800s so they moved businesses into basements. We saw a bar, bakery, meat shop, livery, opium den, pharmacy, brothel, barber shop, etc. etc.

The next day we rode over to Cut Bank, and the temperature dropped about 50° in one day. There were severe wind warnings and gusts up to 65 mph. We had to pull the slide out of the RV back in because we felt like we’d tip over.

We went from Cut Bank over to West Glacier and we spent one day riding around Glacier National Park and it did NOT disappoint. It’s hard to accurately capture how beautiful the park is with words. We highly recommend visiting and driving or riding on Going to the Sun Road. We also took a rafting tour on the middle fork of the flathead river and enjoyed some huckleberry pie treats.

All in all, Montana was a beautiful, hot, seemingly never-ending state.

Pictures will be added when we can finally connect to half-decent wifi :) stay tuned

Edit: pictures have been added

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